Nordic Business Forum 2011 Compilation

More videos: Nordic Business Forum 2011 / Tuottava vastuullisuus -seminaari järjestettiin Jyväskylässä 30.9.-1.10.2011. Paikalla oli 1800 avainhenkilöä, johtajaa ja yrittäjää eri organisaatioista ympäri Suomea ja mm. Virosta, Ruotsista, Britanniasta ja Saksasta. Lisää tietoa Nordic Business Forum -tapahtumista:


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Liz Wiseman – Are Your People Contributing to Their Fullest?

Anyone who has held leadership positions has likely noticed that some team members work hard and achieve ordinary results, while others, perhaps working no harder, have an extraordinary impact. Liz Wiseman, a leadership expert and author of Multipliers and Impact […]

Blog Nordic Business Forum 2024

Dr. Mario Draghi and Björn Wahlroos – Navigating the Economic Horizon and Competitiveness

In a thought-provoking discussion, Dr. Mario Draghi, former President of the European Central Bank and renowned economist, engaged with Finland’s Björn Wahlroos to tackle the pressing economic challenges facing the European Union (EU). Their dialogue revolved around critical issues such […]