Interview with Brian Tracy – Personal development

See more videos at: In this video Brian Tracy answers to some very interesting questions on lifelong learning and personal development. In the previous parts we discussed his views sales and leadership. See Brian Tracy LIVE at the Nordic Business Forum 2012 together with Sir Richard Branson, Daniel Pink, professor Hans Rosling…


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Blog Nordic Business Forum 2024

6 Courageous Leadership Lessons from Day 2 of NBF 2024

If Day 1 of NBF 2024 focused on the courageous decisions that allow businesses to maximize potential of their talent and resources, Day 2 was an exploration of how leaders can successfully navigate the external factors affecting their business. Let’s […]

Blog Nordic Business Forum 2024

6 Courageous Leadership Lessons from Day 1 of NBF 2024

Making tough but necessary decisions. Pursuing a meaningful purpose. Trusting your team – even in difficult times. Courageous leadership is a hard but noble path, so we hope the following insights from Nordic Business Forum Day 1 will inspire you […]