
Ideas from the Top of the World

The Thinkers50 publishes every two years a new ranking of the world´s top business gurus. I got an opportunity to participate in the event in London where new ranking was announced. It was exciting indeed! Now, let´s have a look […]

Is It Wise to Internationalize?

Is It Wise to Internationalize?

Many companies try hard to increase their sales by expanding to new markets. Is it always wise? The answer is no, not always. It is not always reasonable to expand to new markets. The growth might still be much easier […]


Do a Lot More with a Lot Less

At Nordic Business Forum 2013 we heard multiple speeches on innovation from world’s top innovation professors, journalists and innovators, e.g. Vijay Govindarajan, Lynda Gratton, Malcolm Gladwell and Jimmy Wales. One of the biggest sights for me was that successful innovation […]