
Hard Work, Risk-taking and Lucky Strikes

Take a risk. Otherwise you cannot build a company that is the market leader in one category. In 2006 Talouselämä newspaper ran an article on Sami Inkinen, the founder of online real estate marketing site, Trulia. Almost six years later […]


Nordic Business Report Published

The third issue of Nordic Business Report is published today in Finland together with Kauppalehti Optio. The magazine is also available for free download at The magazine will be also published tomorrow in Estonia together with Äripäev, Estonian’s biggest financial media, and […]


New Digital Service Launched

Nordic Business Forum dives deeper into the digital age with a new live stream service, which is not just a live stream. NBForum LIVE offers the customers an opportunity to experience the sold-out Nordic Business Forum 2014 seminar via their […]


Are You Living up to Your Full Potential?

Aiming at Excellence in Customer Service – This is the second part of the blog series in which we explore what kind of people do the world’s best customer service. “All human beings are born as entrepreneurs” is a famous quote by […]

Are You Living up to Your Full Potential?

Are You Living up to Your Full Potential?

Aiming at Excellence in Customer Service – This is the second part of the blog series in which we explore what kind of people do the world’s best customer service. “All human beings are born as entrepreneurs” is a famous quote by […]