
Jessica Jackley to Join the Board of Directors

Kiva co-founder Jessica Jackley will be joining Nordic Business Forum’s board of directors. We couldn’t be happier to share with you the great news – Jessica Jackley will be one of our board members as of 2017 together with Petteri […]


Building Leaders through Volunteering

Nordic Business Forum is all about building leaders who change the world. Our yearly business seminars are the key forum for this, bringing together thousands of leaders who wish to grow and make an impact. What may be less known […]

Newsroom Videos

Nordic Business Forum 2016 [AFTERMOVIE]

Relive the two event days! Nordic Business Forum 2016 was held on October 6.-7. in Helsinki, Finland, gathering together over 5,700 CEOs, top executives, and entrepreneurs. The speaker lineup included: Ed Catmull (Co-founder of Pixar) Seth Godin (Author & Entrepreneur) […]