
Selling Is Purposeful Work

As we know, people commonly avoid sales. Sadly, the entrepreneurs themselves are the best ones to avoid it. It is easy to hire someone else to do the “dirty work”, even though selling, especially in the beginning, is the most […]


We Have Got the Talent, Let’s Sell It!

Last year, foreign trade accounted for 40 % of Finland’s GDP. We are a small country with an open economy. We have benefitted greatly from the opening of world trade. Three factors speak in favour of that trend continuing further. […]


She Decided to Prove Them Wrong

by Jukka Niemelä Mrs. Soulaima Gourani is one of the two female business thinkers who made it in Nordic Thinkers 20 list. It is hard to believe her math teacher told her she will not get very far in her […]


Love to Speak, Dare to Fail!

By Juhana Torkki A guest at Nordic Business Forum 2012 told me why he came to Jyväskylä for two days. “There are so many top speakers. I also give a lot of speeches – I hope to get new ideas […]


The Internet’s Virtual Tour De Force

By Gina-Marie Cheeseman Wikipedia is a virtual tour de force on the internet. Jimmy Donal Wales, the man who created it in 2001, definitely created magic. On June 10th, 2013 we had a chance to have a discussion with this […]


Be Cool and Heat Things Up

by Kristal Davidson While the world is engaged in heated discussions on climate change, a kind of a business and management geologist Lynda Gratton propagates a rise in temperature: hot spots are her area of expertise. Iceland, the Galápagos Islands […]


Nordic Business Report Will Be Published on August 16th

Nordic Business Report’s 2013 issue will be published on August 16th with brilliant content. The cover stories are Nordic Thinkers 20 list and a special interview with Jack Welch on leadership. Nordic Thinkers 20 list sums up twenty greatest Nordic business minds. The list […]