
Over 300 Entrepreneurs and Executives Today at Business Summit 2014

Business Summit 2014 gathers today over 300 growth entrepreneurs, managers and executives to Marina Congress Center in Helsinki. The event is organized in cooperation with Nordic Business Forum and Boardman 2020.

The event is organized already for the fourth time. This year Business Summit 2014 offers the attendees with ideas on how to build a great corporate story and how stories can be used as a tool for marketing and leadership.

The speakers of Business Summit 2014 include three experts in stories, storytelling and marketing. These experts are Juhana Torkki, a Finnish speech consultant and author, Henkka Hyppönen, a well-known media person, entrepreneur and business coach and Speakerforum’s speaker of the year 2013 in Finland. The main speaker of the event will be Ken Segall, the former “Apple ad guy” who is known for working closely with Steve Jobs for over 12 years as a creative director for both NeXT and Apple. Ken is the man behind the legendary Think Different -campaign and the Apple’s iDevice naming convention, which started from iMac.


Additional information:
Jyri Lindén, CFO, Nordic Business Forum Oy or +358 44 570 5411

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