News Nordic Business Forum 2017 Past Events

Mika Anttonen Joins the Climate Discussion at Nordic Business Forum 2017

We are excited to share that Mika Anttonen, Founder and Principal Shareholder of the Nordic energy company St1, will take part in the discussion on climate change together with James Hansen and Petteri Taalas. Anttonen joins the two climate experts to provide views on global energy systems.

Mika Anttonen M.Sc.(Tech.) is the founder and principal shareholder of the Nordic energy company St1. He began his career as a private entrepreneur in the fuel trade in 1996 and rapidly built up a diverse energy company which today pursues its vision to become a leading producer and seller of CO2-aware energy. The company is investing heavily in industrial wind power and renewable energy generation.

Before becoming an entrepreneur, Mika was employed at Neste, most recently as director of international product trading. He has years of solid experience in the international fuel trade, the decentralized production of renewable energy and private entrepreneurship. Mika is currently Chairman of the Board at St1.


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Blog Nordic Business Forum 2017 Past Events

Building Leaders for NBForum 2017 and Beyond

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