News Nordic Business Forum 2013 Past Events

Live Stream from Nordic Business Forum’s Press Room

Lotta BacklundThis year, we will be live streaming the seminar’s press conferences online at All the speakers of the seminar will be meeting the press in the press room. Those who cannot participate in the seminar, can use this broadcast to see all of the speakers live online. The live stream will be hosted by the famous Finnish journalist and commentator Lotta Backlund.

You can find an updated schedule for the live stream online at

Wednesday 25.9.

21:25 – 21:40: Introduction + interviews from VIP Pre-seminar

Thursday 26.9.

11:05 – 11:35: Introduction from the seminar opening + live from the press room: Malcolm Gladwell

17:15 – 17:45: At the press room: Jimmy Wales

18:05 – 18:40: At the press room: Vijay Govindarajan & Lynda Gratton

20:10 – 20:40: At the press room: Suzy Welch + interviews from the seminar lounge

Friday 27.9.

10.35 – 11.10: At the press room: Alf Rehn & Petri Parvinen

14:20 – 15:00: At the press room: Tom Peters + interviews from the seminar lounge

16:00 – 16:45: At the press room: Jack Welch

16:45 – 17:00: At the press room: Jari Sarasvuo

NOTE! Schedule is preliminary


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