News Nordic Business Forum 2018 Past Events

Kevin Spacey to Attend Nordic Business Forum 2018

Kevin Spacey, John Mackey, Lindsey Vonn, Amy Cuddy, and Gary Hamel, among others, are speaking at Nordic Business Forum 2018 in Helsinki.

Today, Nordic Business Forum announced the speakers and themes for its 2018 annual main conference. In 2017, the conference looked ahead through the lens of responsibility and leadership. For 2018, Nordic Business Forum wants to continue looking ahead and concentrate on opportunities like harnessing artificial intelligence (AI), sharpening business strategy, and reaching peak performance.

Hans-Peter Siefen, CEO of Nordic Business Forum: “In 2018 we are diving deep into the wonders of what makes companies tick. It all comes down to good leadership and also self-management to ensure a good performance (peak performance), the right business decisions (strategy) and taking advantage and understanding the opportunities artificial intelligence can bring to your business. AI is one of the most crucial things to understand in the future to avoid falling behind. It’s about leading the way and creating disruption rather than ending up disrupted.”

Known as one of the leading business conferences in Europe, Nordic Business Forum sets high standards for its mainstage. In 2018, the speaker lineup will include leading business strategists, global researchers, and management experts.

Speakers at Nordic Business Forum 2018:

Kevin Spacey, Award Winning Actor
Amy Cuddy, Author, Social Psychologist
John Mackey, Co-Founder & CEO, Whole Foods Market
Susan Cain, Author of QUIET, Co-Founder of Quiet Revolution
Gary Hamel, Most Reprinted Author in the Harvard Business Review’s History, Founder of Strategos
Lindsey Vonn, Olympic Gold Medalist, Alpine Skiing & Founder of the Lindsey Vonn Foundation
Steven Kotler, author, Co-Founder of the Flow Genome Project, Leading expert on Ultimate Human Performance
Marcus Buckingham, World’s Leading Expert on Talent, Author & Researcher
Aswath Damodaran, Professor at the Stern School of Business, Expert on Corporate Finance and Equity Valuation
Don Tapscott, Media Theorist & Author
Andrew McAfee, Author, Co-Founder of the MIT Initiative on the Digital Economy

Nordic Business Forum is also hosting a new contest to find individuals with fresh perspectives and management ideas, and give them a platform to speak. The winner of the Speaker Sourcing Contest will get to present at Nordic Business Forum 2018 and will be paid a 30,000 € speaking fee.

More information and tickets to #NBForum2018 >


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News Nordic Business Forum 2018 Past Events

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Nordic Business Forum is hosting a new contest to find individuals with fresh perspectives and management ideas, and give them a platform to speak. The winner of the Speaker Sourcing Contest will get to present at Nordic Business Forum 2018 […]