Nordic Business Forum 2024

8 Things You’ll Learn at #NBForum2024

There are only 8 days left until Nordic Business Forum 2024! The event will be packed with transformative insights from world-class leaders and thinkers. Here’s a sneak peek into 8 things you will learn across various sessions, from developing talent to honing strategy, enhancing customer experiences, and leading with courage.

Talent Development

1. Succeeding through Talent Development

Day 1 begins with a session where Adam Grant emphasizes the power of understanding and harnessing the hidden potential within your team. With Liz Wiseman, you’ll explore how to cultivate a culture of continuous growth and innovation by identifying “multiplier” leaders—those who inspire their teams to do their best work, making the group greater than the sum of its parts. By navigating change with confidence and fostering a collaborative mindset, you can elevate your team’s performance to new heights.

2. The Discipline Behind Leadership Success

The next session dives into the idea that raw talent alone isn’t enough for success. Morten Hansen will explore the importance of disciplined leadership. Through practical insights, you will learn how discipline enhances focus, innovation, and collaboration, turning potential into results. Sanna Suvanto-Harsaae will continue to discuss how CEOs and executives succeed by continuously improving their teams and focusing on the essentials.

Customer Experience

3. Leading with Customer-Centricity in a Digital Age

Session three shifts the focus to the customer, with Steven Van Belleghem and Will Guidara exploring how a customer-focused leadership approach can be a competitive advantage. In today’s digital world, your role as a leader isn’t just to manage but to engage directly in your customers’ lives. You’ll learn how to build a customer experience that feels personal and meaningful, helping your business stand out.

4. The Power of Human Connection in Customer Experiences

Will Guidara’s take on customer service reveals that an “unreasonable” pursuit of human connection can elevate your business. Creating world-class customer experiences requires going above and beyond, focusing on the small but significant moments that make your customers feel valued and seen. You will explore how this approach can set your business apart and become a foundation for long-term success.


5. Stay Ahead in the Competitive Landscape

At the beginning of day 2, Dr. Mario Draghi and Björn Wahlroos will offer key insights into how economic trends shape business competitiveness, particularly in Europe. Understanding the economic horizon is crucial for businesses aiming to stay ahead of U.S. and Chinese competitors. You will gain clarity on the broader economic environment and how it impacts your strategic decisions, helping you position your business for long-term success in a competitive global market.

6. Leading with Intent and Authenticity

In the fifth session of NBF 2024, Bozoma Saint John takes a deep dive into the importance of intentional branding. You will learn the secrets behind building a brand that resonates with authenticity and stands the test of time. In addition to crafting a strong brand identity, Chris Voss will help you discover how effective communication and negotiation techniques are key to winning over stakeholders and driving impactful results.

Courageous Leadership

7. Radical Candor for Fostering Collaboration

Session six with Kim Scott emphasizes the power of Radical Candor—giving both praise and criticism in a way that builds trust, rather than undermines it. You will learn how to navigate difficult conversations with your team while maintaining an inclusive and collaborative culture. This approach encourages open communication and feedback, fostering a more effective and engaged workforce.

8. Embracing Change with Resilience

Brené Brown rounds out the event with insights into how leaders can embrace vulnerability and navigate uncertainty with courage. You’ll learn how to cultivate meaning and connection within your team, building a resilient culture that thrives even during times of change. Brené’s focus on trust and empowerment will inspire you to lead with authenticity and foster stronger connections with your team.

We want to provide you with practical insights and leadership strategies that you can immediately apply to elevate your organization and navigate the complexities of today’s business world. Don’t miss the chance to learn from these industry-leading speakers at Nordic Business Forum 2024!


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