Priyanka Banerjee talked about “’Cultural Diversity: A Catalyst of Innovation” at the Speaker Contest Helsinki qualifier on 14 March 2019.
Key messages:
- The Nordics are facing a huge challenge: the skill gap. To overcome this challenge in the region, companies need to hire multicultural workforces.
- The multicultural team brings innovation to the team but also introduces many challenges or ‘Diversity Dilemma’ for the leaders like language barrier, miscommunication etc.
- The ‘Five Pillars of Inclusion’ are introduced to help the leaders navigate their multicultural teams through the ‘Diversity Dilemma’ and unleash their potential.
- These are the five pillars: self-awareness, common workplace language, strong communication, decoding culture, and resolving conflicts.
- The leaders are empowered with various tools and exercises under the five pillars like Breaking the Stereotype, Email etiquette 101, Language Cafe and so on.
The bottom line? Cultural diversity is a catalyst for innovation. Harness it!
About Priyanka Banerjee
Priyanka Banerjee is an experienced Communication Specialist, speaker and a student mentor, specialized in global client and customer interactions. She has over six years of experience working with culturally diverse teams and is passionate about creating high performing multicultural teams using different techniques developed by her.
Her experience working with people from across the world and the challenges she faced during the process inspired her to research on the factors influencing the performance of Multicultural teams.