
NBForum’s Holiday Reading Recommendations

Christmas holiday is just around the corner and it’s time to relax and start preparing for the upcoming year. Is there a better way to unwind during the holidays than reading? It’s also a great way to get ready for a New Year. Our team has compiled you a list of holiday reading recommendations. Take your pick and enjoy the holiday!

Leaders Eat Last, by Simon Sinek

Simon Sinek’s newest book is a must read for all leaders and those who aspire to become one someday. It’s also a great choice for all who are coming to Nordic Business Forum 2015.

Zero to One, by Peter Thiel

If you’re interested in innovation, you should definitely check out Peter Thiel’s book.

The Hard Thing About Hard Things, by Ben Horowitz

Ben Horowitz opens up the real problems entrepreneurs and startups face. The Economist stated that Horowitz’s book is “A new book about startups should be required reading for business-builders everywhere”.

The Triple Package, by Amu Chua

This is Ville Saarikalle’s personal favorite at the moment. He describes the book as an enlightening description of the meaning of cultural and psychological attitudes in achieving external success.

Delivering Happiness, by Tony Hsieh

Zappos CEO Tony Hsieh’s first book has basically become a cult book. It’s an incredible piece of the importance of corporate culture.

The Lean Startup, by Eric Ries

Eric Ries is the pioneer for the lean startup methodology and his book offers the reader an amazing outlook on the lean startup philosophy.

Playing to Win, by Roger Martin and A.G. Lafley

Playing to Win is a wonderful work on strategy. It has been described as the guide book for winning. So if you want to win, make sure to read this book.

Additional tip: If you like audio books, check out Audible, which Nordic Business Forum’s team has found very useful. You can find all the books mentioned above from there.


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