Blog Leader's Digest

Leader’s Digest | June 2024

Welcome to the June 2024 edition of the Leader’s Digest, your monthly compass for navigating the world of business leadership. In this summer issue, we’ll dive into our favorite topic: leadership.


  • A Pile of Summer Reading Recommendations
  • A List of Summer Listening Recommendations
  • A Selection of Summer Watching Recommendations
  • Sneak Peek to the Behind the Scenes at NBF
  • Inspirational Quote by John C Maxwell

New Leadership Insights

📚 A Pile of Summer Reading Recommendations

Thinkers50 new top 10 management books

Our friends at Thinkers50 recently published their Top 10 Best New Management Books, and we’re excited to highlight a few of those to you:

Brian Evergeen: Autonomous Transformation: Creating a More Human Future in the Era of AI
In this book, Brian offers a bold new agenda for how we can create a better future with technology.

Adam Grant: Hidden Potential: The Science of Achieving Greater Things
The latest book by Adam is a must-read for those looking for new ways to unlock their full potential to achieve greater things.

Frances Frei and Anne Morriss: Move Fast and Fix Things: The Trusted Leader’s Guide to Solving Hard Problems
Frances and Anne have written this insightful hands-on guide to accelerating change and transforming organizations with trust and inclusivity.

Amy Edmondson: Right Kind of Wrong: Why Learning to Fail Can Teach Us to Thrive
In this book, Amy dives into the fascinating world of failure and shares how they can lead to thriving success.

The list includes also six other books full of insights, practical advice, and fresh leadership ideas. We recommend checking them out and filling your summer with inspiration!

🎧 A List of Summer Listening Recommendations

Simon Sinek & Will Guidara on Unreasonable Hospitality
A renowned New York restaurateur, Will Guidara transformed Eleven Madison Park into the best restaurant in the world by reinventing how they offered hospitality—they made it unreasonable. In this podcast episode, Simon talks to Will about the power of being unreasonable.

Brené Brown & Liz Wiseman on Impact Players
Researcher and CEO of Wiseman Group, Liz Wiseman has studied what impact players look like, what sets them apart, and how they contribute. In this podcast with Brené Brown, Liz introduces the attributes of an impact player and suggests how you can grow those characteristics to make your work and your impact more fulfilling.

Kim Scott & Jason Rosoff on Giving Feedback
How can a leader differentiate between giving feedback that should be considered and giving feedback that must be implemented? In this podcast episode, CEO coach and author Kim Scott and the CEO of Radical Candor, Jason Rodoff discuss exactly that.

📺 A Selection of Summer Watching Recommendations

Chris Voss: Debunking Negotiation Myths
Most of us have some general ideas about negotiations, but FBI’s former lead hostage negotiator, Chris Voss, begs to differ. In this interview, Chris debunks common myths and misunderstandings about negotiations and offers actionable tips to enhance your negotiation skills instead.

Sanna Suvanto-Harsaae: Managing and Developing Your C-Level Executives
Recruitment, onboarding, and development of people for the key roles of an organization are essential focuses for business leaders and owners. In this interview, Sanna Suvanto-Harsaae, the Chair at Posti Group and Finnair shares valuable strategies on how to handle C-level transitions and develop executive talent.

Brené Brown: Call to Courage
You might have already seen this one, but if you’ve missed it, it’s worth taking the time. The documentary was released already in 2019, but still works well as it depicts Brené discussing what it takes to choose courage over comfort in the world we live in.

NBF Spotlight

Join us behind the scenes as we introduce our speakers, share event updates, and more!

Speaker of the Month: Adam Grant

🔸 Professor at Wharton
🔸 Pioneering Organizational Psychologist
🔸 Bestselling Author

Adam Grant is an organizational psychologist and bestselling author who explores the science of motivation, generosity, original thinking, rethinking, and potential.

Adam has been Wharton’s top-rated professor for 7 straight years. As an organizational psychologist, he is a leading expert on how we can find motivation and meaning, rethink assumptions, and live more generous and creative lives. He is the #1 New York Times bestselling author of 5 books that have sold millions of copies and the host of TED podcasts Re:Thinking and WorkLife, which have been downloaded over 65 million times.


At Nordic Business Forum 2024, Adam will step on our stage to share how leaders can unlock their own and their teams’ full potential to achieve greater things.

Leadership Greetings from our CEO Priit

Leadership is a journey 🌎

Sometimes literally, but more often metaphorically.

Most of us start our journey by modeling the leadership we have experienced ourselves. And sometimes indeed we might have wished for a better role model. Regardless of our past experience we all aspire to become better ourselves. The leaders we wish we were.


But can you ever really “arrive” as a leader or for that matter as a PERSON? 🤔 Can you imagine someone claiming: Now I’m the best possible parent / spouse / friend / son I can possibly be. I have “arrived”.

Leadership is especially demanding in that regard, as the people whom you are leading keep on changing unlike in many other relationships in your life. So how do you “arrive” and stay relevant, when

💎 the talent you are leading…
🧡 the customers you are serving..
📈 and the competitive environment around you….
…is changing.

The questions are always the same. The answers are different.

Leadership is a journey. Mine often takes me to our HQ in Jyväskylä. And for the past 12 years also to Nordic Business Forum!

PS. If you feel NBF can be a helpful companion also in your leadership journey, we warmly welcome you to join us for #nbforum2024 🧡✨

Stop and Think

“You won’t learn as a leader if you think that title or position makes you a leader. You will go further only if you see it as an opportunity to grow and learn.”

– John C Maxwell


What is new

Kim Scott Interview for Nordic Business Forum 2024
Blog Interview Nordic Business Forum 2024

Embracing Respect and Candor with Kim Scott

We recently had the pleasure of interviewing Kim Scott, CEO coach and renowned author of Radical Candor and Radical Respect, to gain insights into creating a culture that fosters continuous learning and development. Kim shared her profound knowledge of respect, […]

NBF 2024 ticket prices go up on 22 March
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Ticket Prices for NBF 2024 Go Up Soon!

Nordic Business Forum 2024 isn’t just an event; it’s an extraordinary experience designed for over 6,500 C-level executives and business owners attending in person, and an additional 25,000 participants joining via livestream. With Courageous Leadership as our guiding theme, on […]