Blog Nordic Business Forum 2024

12 Days Left to NBF 2024 – Interesting Insights from All 12 Speakers

Only 12 days left until Nordic Business Forum 2024! To celebrate, we’ve pulled together a list of insightful pieces from all 12 of our brilliant speakers. Dive in and get inspired!

Bozoma Saint John – TED talk about the Power of Intuition

(12-minute watch)

Bozoma Saint John, a marketing visionary and former Chief Brand Officer at Uber and former Global CMO at Netflix, gave a powerful TED talk a few years ago. In it, she advocates for trusting intuition over an overreliance on data when making key decisions. Check out her talk to gain fresh insights into the power of intuition.

Brené Brown – Netflix special: Call to Courage

(76-minute watch)

Brené Brown, a professor at the University of Houston and author of six #1 New York Times bestsellers, has inspired millions. While her books and podcasts are widely known, we can’t help but recommend her Netflix special, Call to Courage. Released in 2019, the documentary explores what it takes to choose courage over comfort in today’s world. If you haven’t seen it yet, it’s well worth your time.

Chris Voss – Video about Debunking Negotiation Myths

(20-minute watch)

Chris Voss, former FBI Lead Hostage Negotiator and CEO of The Black Swan Group, recently joined us for an interview to debunk common negotiation myths. In the conversation, Chris tackles widespread misconceptions and offers actionable tips to elevate your negotiation skills.

Adam Grant – Quick Inspiration via Social Media

(2-10-minute scroll)

Adam Grant, an organizational psychologist at Wharton and bestselling author, delves into the science of motivation, generosity, original thinking, and potential. While there are countless pieces of content (books, TED talks, podcasts) to explore, we suggest getting to know Adam through his social media presence. He’s particularly active on Instagram, where he shares thought-provoking ideas that often make you reconsider your approach to work—and sometimes even life!

Kim Scott – Blog about Immediate Feedback

(8-minute read)

Kim Scott, author of Radical Candor and a former CEO coach at Dropbox, Qualtrics, and Twitter, has shared many insightful pieces of advice through her books, podcasts, and blogs. One practical recommendation is her blog on the significance of timely feedback. Kim explains how immediate feedback promotes open communication and continuous growth, while delayed feedback risks missed opportunities for improvement.

Liz Wiseman – Podcast Interview with Brené Brown on Impact Players

(68-minute listen)

Liz Wiseman, researcher and CEO of the Wiseman Group, has spent years studying the attributes of Impact Players—the people who drive real results in organizations. In an interview on Brené Brown’s podcast, Liz breaks down what sets Impact Players apart and how you can cultivate these traits in yourself to enhance your impact at work. This is a fantastic introduction to Liz’s research as well as a chance to hear more from Brené.

Morten Hansen – Webinar on Productivity

(53-minute watch)

Morten Hansen, a management professor at Berkeley and Senior Director at Apple University, has researched the habits of over 5,000 professionals to identify practical strategies for boosting productivity. In a webinar earlier this year, Morten shared valuable tips on how you and your team can focus on high-impact tasks and achieve more with less effort.

Sanna Suvanto-Harsaae – Interview on Managing and Developing C-Level Executives

(25-minute watch)

Sanna Suvanto-Harsaae is a boardroom expert, having served on the boards of over 20 major Nordic companies, including Finnair, Clas Ohlson, Posti, and Paulig. Currently the chair of the board at Finnair, Posti Group, BoConcept, and TCM Group, Sanna recently shared insights with us on managing C-level transitions and fostering executive talent.

Will Guidara – A Webinar Discussion on Extraordinary CX

(45-minute watch)

Will Guidara, former co-owner of Eleven Madison Park (once ranked the #1 restaurant in the world) and author of Unreasonable Hospitality, shared his insights in a recent webinar. Will emphasizes that every business can—and should—embrace the hospitality mindset. Check out the recording to learn how to build a customer experience around the concept of “unreasonable hospitality.”

Steven van Belleghem – Youtube Video on 2024 CX Trends

(21-minute watch)

Steven van Belleghem, a customer experience expert and co-founder of Nexxworks and Snackbytes, earlier posted a YouTube video outlining the top 10 customer experience trends for 2024. Even though we’re well into the year, his insights on trends like personalized service and frictionless experiences are still highly relevant.

Dr. Mario Draghi – European Competitiveness Report Highlights

(6-minute read)

Dr. Mario Draghi, the former President of the European Central Bank, brings valuable insights on Europe’s competitiveness and the need for radical policy change. Just a few days ago, Dr. Draghi released his long-awaited European Competitiveness Report. While the entire report is available for you to read, there are also articles that summarize the key points of the report. For instance, Euronews highlights the 5 key takeaways from Dr. Draghi’s 400-page report, including for example the need for common EU borrowing, the growing challenge posed by China’s economic rise, and the importance of boosting innovation within the EU.

Björn Wahlroos – A Podcast about the Finnish Economy (in Finnish)

(60-minute watch)

Björn Wahlroos, former Chairman of Sampo, Nordea, and UPM-Kymmene, is a prominent voice in Finland’s economic discussions. While we couldn’t find a recent English resource, our Finnish-speaking audience can check out his interview on the Sijoituskästi podcast. Björn discusses Finland’s current economic landscape and his views on the basic income concept.


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