Start creating your game plan

With over 25 million sold copies of books, 1.4 million followers on Twitter and teaching about leadership for almost four decades John C. Maxwell charmed and inspired the audience of Nordic Business Forum 2015 with an american approach. Great leaders are born – as babies, Mr Maxwell stated. So how do you develop as a leader and take the next step? That’s the question for all the participants of the Nordic Business Forum to ask themselves in order to be successful.

Mr. Maxwell introduced his Five Levels of Influence:
Level 1: People follow because they have to (Rights)
Level 2: People follow because they want to (Relationships)
Level 3: People follow because what you have done for the organization (Results)
Level 4: People follow because what you have done for them (Reproduction)
Level 5: People follow because of who you are and what you represent (Respect)

We all need to tailor his model to fit our own individual preconditions. If there’s one thing to be remembered from Mr Maxwell’s key note session it’s his last advice on stage today: List the people you lead. Put the names down! Ask yourself: “What level am I with them?” . If you answer this question, then you get a game plan for reaching the next level. So what are you waiting for? Start producing your own game plan.

Author: André Assarsson (André on Twitter: @assarsson)




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