Ode to human nature – Nordic Business Forum 2015 Day 1

Waiting for a savior or for a single, decisive turnaround moment is probably not going to bring us out of our present quagmire of austerity, cutbacks and weak growth. The recipe may well turn out to be a mix of what today’s speakers served us.

The Landfill Harmonic orchestra from Paraguay kicking off the day on the main stage (http://www.landfillharmonicmovie.com/) is a great example and metaphor: you can make great music even if your instruments are made from discarded scraps. People and their attitude are the reasons why greatness happens. And today was a full buffet of ways to help people and their attitude grow.

A common theme of all today’s keynotes was going with the best of human nature, not against it. It means accepting the natural speed limits of human change when training leaders. It means reimagining digital media to provide a public space for discussion and eliminating a toxic atmosphere that fuels aggression. It also means reimagining work from the perspectives of human and social, with focus on relationships instead of efficiency.

Success has always been built on talent, purpose and culture. In social media we now have a tool that supercharges all three factors. It also instantly brings them together from different parts of the world, if needed. But to grow leadership for this talent, purpose and culture, you still need very traditional, age-old tools: questions, values and creativity.

And finally: Fight the bozosity!

Author: Erik Bäckman (@ErikMiltton on Twitter)




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