Modern day superheroes and their powers

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Nordic Business Forum 2015 is quite a parade of exceptional individuals.

One of them made “Herculean efforts to save the world economy from another Great Depression”. Another put together a three-day training program that gave over 20 000 Guatemalans new leadership skills. A third helped launch over 100 products that have netted a total of 18 billion dollars.

One offers “real world answers from someone with scars and grey hair”. Another says intuition is the crucial key to success when you’re faced with “an ocean of possibilities”. A third says that “80% of all people are idiots, at least when it comes to money, and the financial sector is a tunnel for money to travel from the idiots to the 20% with ideas”. Finally, one wants to “help build a world where the vast majority of people go home every day feeling fulfilled by their work”.

They have all made an exceptional impact on the world around them, with very specific background skills, from ethnography to chess, from journalism to finance. These are their personal superpowers. But they all have one superpower in common: the ability to get people to listen to their ideas and become convinced enough to take action. This is the universal key to true impact.

When you listen to and learn from the stars of Nordic Business Forum 2015, focus on both sides: the specific superpower you need to make your own impact, and the common superpower of all heroes – the ability to engage and inspire others. If you do this, then you will one day stand on that stage, talking about the great stuff you have done in the world and how you did it.

Author: Erik Bäckman (@ErikMiltton on Twitter)


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