News Nordic Business Forum 2015 Past Events

Announcing New Sponsors of Nordic Business Forum 2015

A new set of sponsorships for Nordic Business Forum 2015 have been now confirmed.

Enterprise Estonia will be one of the main sponsors with PwC and Elo & LähiTapiola .

Finnair and Talenom will join the other sponsors Tekes, The Federation for Finnish Enterprises – Suomen Yrittäjät, Enfo, The Finnish Business School Graduates – Suomen Ekonomit, Nordea, Lataamo and Vallila Interior.

As last year, Äripäev will be one of the media partners together with Kauppalehti and MTV.

The last sponsorships will be published soon.

The sponsors’ support is important to the success of the event, and they all play a key role in making the seminar happen. Together with the sponsors, we pursue to provide the seminar attendees with memorable and inspiring experiences.

You can find out more about them through the links above, through Nordic Business Forum 2015 materials and on the spot at the event.

Nordic Business Forum Oy wants to thank all the sponsors for supporting the event!


Main sponsors

pwc elo-lahitapiola   Enterprise Estonia


tekes   yrittajat    enfo    suomen_ekonomit_suomi_ruotsi    nordea_logo2    lataamo-2  vallila    finnair    talenom

 Media partners

mtv   kauppalehti    AP_logo_UUS


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